casalnovinhobr's Followers
Me encata enseñar y que me comenten mis fotos. Si queréis podéis hablarme al privado. I love teaching and they tell me my photos. If you want, you can talk to the private one.
This profile was started as an investigation, and to, where-ever possible, subvert. There needs to be more thought put into representation by those who consume explicit and erotic imagery. There is a need to recognize and respect the sexual potency and agency of women.
Somos de mentalidad abiertas ,nos calientan con sus me gusta y sus comentarios calientes.... Buscamos nuevas aventuras juntos We are a couple who are looking for new advebtures We are open-minded, they warm us with their likes
Gostamos de ver e de que vejam! Casal e mulheres sempre bem vindos! Homens a sós, por favor não insistam!