gaby_lopez's Followers
This profile was started as an investigation, and to, where-ever possible, subvert. There needs to be more thought put into representation by those who consume explicit and erotic imagery. There is a need to recognize and respect the sexual potency and agency of women.
Hola! Tengo 20 años, me gusta mucho compartir fotos mias, si quieres otro tipo de informacion, mandame mensaje :) Pd: me gusta mucho ver sus fotos
Tell me what you like ... ESCRÍBEME +543815202331 IG : @wasted.mind91xy
I am a 32 year old straight and married man, from Brazil. I've always liked nudes and amateurs porn. So here I am where I can see and show mines. Guys I follow because my wife loves to see cocks and I like it about her. Please comment, we want to know your opinion about jus me for now.