pierre12233's Followings
Thank you to all you sexy #Uplusters who visited our page 🥰 hope to be back soon. Until then I’ll post tributes I make my husband do for the sexy ladies here. I just loved receiving them.😍 💦🍆
My partner and I love to fantasize and post pics. He has shared me and would love to do more of that. He is fully aware of my posting and I am loyal to him, but love to tease...
Girl from Belgium. Speaking French and a bit of English. Shy but curious. Trying to feel more sexy by posting pictures of herself...
Pour partager en couple quelques moments de plaisir... A married couple who love to share some naughty moments with you ....
Ella es inspiración, es amor, es todo lo que se le antoje. Ella disfruta de su cuerpo y su sexualidad con absoluta libertad y lo comparte con ustedes. Yo soy escritor y gozo con mi musa, con su amor y al verla sonreír. Si piensan que es bella, es porque todavía no la han visto sonreír.