duckdong Admin
2 weeks agoI think 🤔 i hould have stuck with a button for the nose. #stillneedhelpwiththemouth #xxxchristmas #snowman
2 weeks ago duckdong Admin@velas 😊 definitely would be all in for that. Sharing a blanket Wrapped around us as we sip hot cocoa watching the flames of the fire 🔥 dance, crackle and pop as our bodies reflect the warm glow. The #1 unwritten rule in a snowball fight is no ice balls so I best put on some undies 1st. 😘Reply
2 weeks ago velasSnowball fight please until we're freezing and can warm up inside next to the chimneyReply
duckdong Admin
2 months agoAhhh that's the spot. Sending out some good vibes today. #rememberweareyeprotection #locktoberiscomingtoanend
duckdong Admin
3 months agoThe end of summer here. #swimnaked
duckdong Admin
1 year agoWoke up to the beauty of a light coating of snow this morning. So naturally I just had to christen it which led to a destruction of the beauty. #yepimamultitasker
11 months ago duckdong Admin@missfox but it would be so damn cute though and the best part would be warming up afterward 🙃💋💋#letslicksnowflakesoffeachotherReply
duckdong Admin
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