little_devil_1 Admin
7 years ago
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7 years ago little_devil_1 Admin@renech I certainly will have a glass of Asino orange juice for every breakfast, it’s like a magic potion, it does things to you that puts you in the right mood for the rest of the day :p<3 I believe you are more a coffee person, right? o:) @jennyasino does make a strong, tasteful, freshly ground coffee with her “special” machine, it only requires two batteries:p The Asino expresso will instantly awake certain part of your body and it has a long lasting effect :p<3 Mmm… Yes a picnic does sounds like a very good idea indeed, we all go together, and we’ll have Asino Pop Corn (its assolutely delicious and made on the spot :p), Asino orange juice, Asino expresso, hard boiled eggs and for dessert we’ll have strawberries with freshly made cream and Asino flavoured lollipops :p<3 Mmm, my kinda picnic…o:) Right, now I’m gonna have another glass of orange juice while you enjoy your expresso <3<3<3Reply
7 years ago little_devil_1 Admin@jennyasino Mmm... A little sip of your freshly made Asino's orange juice and my egg will be as hard as ever <3<3:*Reply
7 years ago little_devil_1 Admin@jennyasino I love fresh pressed orange juice ;) Would you make me one for me my love? <3<3<3Reply