My sanctuary… the place I retreat to reconnect to my essence, my sensuality. #bathroom I love to light candles, essential oils, soft music and close the door to the outside world. It’s my space for rebirth, to shed the layers that are not me. I melt in the the water and wash away any residual angst from the day. #bath #naked #sensual #starved #horny Some days I wait all day for this moment. Truthfully, what I really want is for this to happen in the arms of my beloved… come find me ❤️
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3 years ago bquitefrankIf circumstances were different and life were less complicated, I’d be there in a heart beat . ?Reply
3 years ago thorny_flowerback to water like a child before birth listening to the echoes of the world in and out ...Reply
3 years ago time25hine??@little_devil_1 Thank you for remembering... It felt like a day to bring this back. the fire still burns.Reply