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2 years ago natureslove@venusinfurs but there still are a lot of really great people here. sorry to hear about your issues of being verified. have you reached out to any of the admins?Reply
2 years ago natureslove@venusinfurs yeah, i know who you're talking about. she was one of the sweetest people to ever be on the site. sadly, she had a lot of issues with harassment. some men can be really creepy. as expected, that type of behavior drives away quality people.Reply
2 years ago natureslove@venusinfurs you certainly can meet people like that here! i love meeting people like that here. it's my favorite part of the site. ah yes, the page of death and disappointment as i call it. that means whatever account you were trying to view has deleted.Reply
2 years ago natureslove@venusinfurs it definitely is. i usually come for a few months and go for a few months. i can never truly stay away. but there are certainly accounts that haven't been active in years.Reply