Greetings! As from now I'll be posting videos much more frequently.... and there will be a little fee to pay if you want to see them. Let me explain the approach : The goal is NOT to make any money for myself, I don't cash out here and will never do. The goal is to support @Uplust, which looks slowly dying. The fee won't be high, like 1 Lust per 10 second video. That's 10 cents, and its it's ridiculous. But if a dozen of you do purchase Lusts for that, it will be a small victory. Miaow 😺
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1 month ago lespagnol60Je suis nostalgique de l’époque de pornostagram. Pas d’AI. Pas de faux comptes. Pas de OF ou MYM😞Reply
1 month ago sircumalotAlso I think here are almost more Onlyfans Bots then real active members, which is a great turn-off for me, tooReply
1 month ago sircumalotI was always a paying member, Premium even, but I think this isn't worth the money here anymore. And I say this in a sad way, because I liked it hereReply
1 month ago sircumalotand from one day to another it was like a ghost town in here. I gained barely likes, no one commented or wrote back anymore. That was when I decided to delete my content and moved on. I tried a few comebacks but they all ended up the same, with barely til no interactions.Reply
1 month ago sircumalotI think the main problem is, that there is no real community anymore. No interactions. I came to this website 2018, after the great tumblr exodus, and stayed here because of the lively and friendly community. Met so many people, had so many flirts and hot chats...Reply