little_devil_1 Admin
4 years ago
If you are a true #asinofied reader, then read the special luxurious version of @jennyasino biography, it has extra arousing contents not featured in the paperback edition that will give you endless #asinorush ? ? ?… #SexArt #book #fantasy #challenge #uplust #reading #aroused #pleasures #dreams #sensuality #eroticism #beauty #charisma #icon #lesbian #jennyasino ?????
4 years ago little_devil_1 Admin@vinvin85 ? ? ?Reply
little_devil_1 Admin
4 years ago
❤️ Red is the colour of love and passion, and you my friend, you know all about devoted love and passion, you are asinofied™ from head to toes, and it does show ????… SexArt tribute for @renech ? #dick #balls #hand #erection #pants #love #passion #teased #seduced #arousing #dreams #devotion #fantasy #jennyasino #asinovirus #asinorush #asinomania #asinofied #renech #tribute #loveforrenech #followrenech #blackandwhite #red ??❤️?
4 years ago little_devil_1 Admin@renech One day the love of our @jennyasino united the three of us together in this long lasting friendship through the years, long may it continue to make our days full of love, smiles, joy and happiness... All for one, one for all... ? I love you both ?Reply
little_devil_1 Admin
4 years ago
“Can't Get You Out of My Head” (KM)… SexArt #GIF tribute for @jennyasino ? #ass #pussy #breasts #nipples #feet #hands #fingers #mouth #hair #curves #beauty #sexy #sensuality #eroticism #seduction #tease #love #lust #fire #arousal #fantasy #dream #passion #fun #sex #charisma #beautiful #romance #lesbian #bisexual #lover #friend #mamma #queen #jennyasino #asinovirus #asinorush #asinomania #asinofied ????
4 years ago little_devil_1 AdminYes dearest @annia ?? Our Jenny is in our heads, our minds, our souls, our dreams, our fantasies and in our hearts... ???Reply
little_devil_1 Admin
5 years ago
It’s a hard life to be and feel Asinofied™ ???… SexArt tribute for @dirknowitzkide ? #dick #balls #hand #pants #masturbation #erection #hard #asinorush #pleasure #aroused #hot #sexy #lustful #sensual #erotic #envy #desires #temptations #dirknowitzkide #asinofied #jennyasino #tribute #blackandwhite #purple ?❤️?❤️?
4 years ago little_devil_1 AdminMy dear @jennyasino ❤️ You've stole my heart too... So we are even... Like two heart robbers in love ? #stolenhearts #robbersinlove #JAandLDforeverReply
little_devil_1 Admin
5 years ago
What do YOU think we can do about it our beloved @jennyasino ❤️ when you tease us when you feel horny and a little ‘dirty’ ??? We’ve got to stay ‘in the context’ of the inspirations you’re giving us ??( • ) ? Yes Jenny!! Your asinofied fans are just as horny and naughty as you can be… ????? #SexArt-tribute #sensual #mouth #lips #boob #wet #saliva #hot #erotic #envy #desires #temptations #dreams #asinorush #jennyasino #lesbian #bisexual #lover #friend #blackandwhite #red ??????
5 years ago little_devil_1 AdminAs much as I would find @barthh comment flattering ? I truly hope it's because he see you my beloved @jennyasino ?? That is indeed the inspiration of this tribute for you my love ???Reply
little_devil_1 Admin
5 years ago
“????????????” (DC) ??? Repost of a tribute of the most loved ass on Uplust ???... SexArt tribute for the amazing @jennyasino ? #bootylicious #fasstasstic #bootyfyl #ass #butt #cheeks #back #hips #thighs #legs #feet #panties #arousing #sensual #erotic #sexy #exciting #teasing #seduction #charms #charisma #beauty #love #passion #lover #lesbian #bisexual #friend #mamma #queen #jennyasino #asinofied #asinorush #asinomania #blackandwhite #purple™ ❤️???❤️
5 years ago little_devil_1 AdminMy bootyful Queen @jennyasino ❤️ You call this post “A rebirth of a tribute”… ??? I call it “Everl???sting Love” (LA) ? Spilling milk for your most loved butt is not over my love… it’s the only way forward!!! ??????? #asinofied #asinorush #asinomania #asinobutt #asinolove #yourassisnotolditsbootyfulReply
little_devil_1 Admin
5 years ago
Last Sunday you said « ???? ?? ? ??????? » @jennyasino ??? So I made one premium-load tribute for you ??? Because ??? are the ???? ?????? Even if I can’t win, I still feel like a ?????? for watching you week after week ???? #tributejennyasino #myfirstevercumtribute #itwonthappenagain #itsnotartistic #onlythisonetime #justforyou #sexwithjenny #masturbate #asinofied #asinorush #asino-cum
little_devil_1 Admin
5 years ago
Tasteful orange juice… #Sexart #ass #pussy #orange #juice #fruit-press #drink #taste #flavour #delicious #nomorealcohol #nomoreJen-tonic #onlyJen-juice #iamgoingsober #lovingandrefreshing #healthyandtasty #romancefirst #love #passion #willpower #asinofied #asinorush #blackandwhite #orange ?? …for you ❤️
5 years ago little_devil_1 Admin@jennyasino “The Orange Juice Song” ♫♪ is an old (DP) song #purplesong It is my fav part to drink your Jen-juice ?Nope, I’m more a banana guy!!! ? You can buy Jen-juice in 2 litres-pack? Where??? ??? Thank you for Session 3 ❤️❤️❤️ #thelubricantisinthejuicenottheotherwayround #arousingjuicebtwReply