
Grab me like you mean it??...Happy Sunday naughty people?? #wokeupchosehorngry #sundayfunday #alwayssmiling #sodamnhorny #canoeclubanyone #prettyfunnyguy
3 years ago always_smiling@ther me or you? ????Reply
3 years ago therperfectReply

Wow 400 followers?! Feels like this calls for a little celebrating... suggestions welcome?? #naughtierthebetter #cumgetme #yourlipswouldbebetter #readyformischief #sodamnhorny #FEAEA
If the sun's up then it's time to play... I'll be waiting impatiently for you??? #wokeuplikethis #mostguilty #illbeyourfavoritetoy #saturdaymorningfun #only2legshere #sodamnhorny
3 years ago always_smiling@emma00 oh I promises your mouth is going to be just "stuffed full" of treats...(among other parts of you I'll fill up)???? #howmanylicksmydear #holdontight #letthembejealous #becauseitsonlyyou #imitchybaby #ILYReply
I've been like this since I woke up...I wonder whose fault it is??? #alwayssmiling #sodamnhorny #countdownat46 #herfault #yourafternoonsurprise #needyourmouth #isitfebruaryyet?

Such a late Christmas night and now I'm soooo hungover! And U know what happens when Bear is hungover? #needrelief #touchme #play #sodamnhorny #goinginshower #cumjoinmeU