Use those strings to pull me in tighter to you. Make me yours … but remember to treat me well 💝 … I’m yours with abandonment and lust and love 💗 spank me to remind me I’m your delicate submissive slut… tenderly touch me then… shower me babe. ..and I’ll show you the pleasure you deliver. #sweetpeach #curvyass #hips #curvestohangonto #grabmeandpoundme #sensualsubslut #lovestendernessandfirmnesstoo 🍆 #natural #sexy #ass #peach #delicious #lingerie #blond #sweettease #thrustitin #panties #corset
4 months ago chelys... I want you. You are mine. Shall I spank you to remember you you are my lovely sub slut? Shall I love you to remember you you are my love? #takeyoufirmlyandsweet #makingyoumine #dominateandtakingcare #addictedtoyou 🔥🔥🔥😈😈😈Reply
4 months ago chelys"Where are you going, bitch?" I grab those strings and pull you back to me, I block you hugging you and softly squeezing your boobs. I kiss your neck and ear telling "You can't tease me and go away". You feel my hard cock pushing on your ass...Reply
A lil reminder of fun times at Disney 🎀… slap that ass…. Make me start to leak 💖… right get through those white leggings! Sooo hot…. #yogapants #whiteleggings #drippy #bigass #sweetass #ass #bigbooty #bigbootie #hotass #curvy #sexy #delicious #natural #erotic #sensual #hipsdontlie #hips #grabme #leggings #yoga #hot #blonde #blondie #peach #sweetpeach